"A philosopher once wrote you need three things to have a good life. One, a meaningful relationship, two, a decent job of work, and three, to make a difference." David Brent

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The importance of graduate training

The importance of graduate training

Qualifications are important as they show a prospective employer your level of academic achievement, your desire for success and allows them to assess your competence for a particular role. You may also be offered opportunities for further training once you’ve been awarded a job.

A complex workplace for graduates
Obviously, a degree is important but with an ever-increasing number of graduates stacking shelves in a local supermarket, or working for nothing as an intern, it might be a good idea for graduates to look at employment opportunities in a different way. Local colleges offer a diverse array of training courses and have close links with employers. Staff training courses with West Suffolk Collegewill give you the opportunity to progress along your chosen career path and develop the skills required in the modern workplace.

Training on the job

If you show initiative and competence and want to progress into management, you might like to consider further training. Your employer should be able to help you find a course that allows you to work and study at the same time. Courses run by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) in conjunction with a local college are an excellent option. If you’re concerned about finance you may be eligible for a 24+ Learning Loan. Some employers may offer help towards course costs, as your training will benefit their company.

Course costs

If you are between the ages of 19-23 and in receipt of Jobs Seekers Allowance, you may not have to pay your tuition fees. It’s always a good idea to ask your local college what financial aid schemes exist. With 881,000 unemployed between the ages of 18-24 it’s worth exploring all potential opportunities in order to avoid that weekly visit to the Job Centre.  

The range of courses

A degree is important, but workplace training is even more relevant in the modern employment market. When you are looking for a job, try to ensure that you will receive training once you are employed. Some professions, including accountancy and the law, expect their graduates to engage with practical training schemes. Other less obvious companies also offer graduate training programmes, which can lead to jobs in management, customer service or finance.  The European Social Fund finances a wide range of opportunities across the UK in order to help graduates hone their business skills. It’s never too late to add value to your degree.

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